Friday, October 15, 2010

Thanks Maher Zain!!!!

ok...i was so last i got to see maher zain performing live in front of me...singing my fave song which are barakallah, for the rest of my life and the chosen one...spanjang concert dia..i'm just sit quietly and enjoying every word that come out from his mouth...his lyrics...i'm speechless and even cried....becoz of his wonderful performance...rasa xpuas giler like Wardina said we come here hoping that after this we remember more of Allah not Maher Zain....i still remember that word....

to maher zain: i'm as your biggest fan just want to say thanks for coming to Malaysia...your songs are beautiful....please keep writing more beautiful songs after this. for your info, your showcase is my first concert that i've been..Thanks Maher Zain....


  1. amboi, suka dia na :D
    betul lah tu, ingat Allah, bukan dia ni
    alhamdulillah, dia dapat sampaikan mesej2 & buat ramai orang utuhkan iman. :)

  2. hu3....mstilah...suka..:P..insya allah sma2 kta doakan agar byk lg org dpt menerima msej2 yg disampaikan oleh Maher...
